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Sunwave Blog

Surf Beginners Fuerteventura
Surf Beginners Fuerteventura Sunwave Surfcamp Fuerteventura offers a lot for Surf Beginners Fuerteventura. The location for our daily surf course is ever a surprise. Just before starting our surf ...
11.05.2016 / Kategorien: fuerteventura, surf camps, surf course, surf images

Wave Riding Surf School Fuerteventura
Wave Riding Surf School Fuerteventura Wave Riding Surf School Fuerteventura - thats what it is. We have been surfing the whole day and did not miss a single surfable wave. Therefor we took mounts of ...
09.05.2016 / Kategorien: fuerteventura, surf camps, surf course, surf images

First steps in learning to surf
First Steps in learning to surf Lets get this right, first steps are never the easiest. But the first steps in learning to surf with Sunwave Surfcamp in Fuerteventura are always pure fun. In the ...
07.04.2016 / Kategorien: fuerteventura, surf camps, surf course, surf images

Learning to surf is easy - Sunwave Surfcamp Fuerteventura
Learning to surf the easy way This day we went to the east coast and not far south from Puerto Rosario we encountered nice waves for our beginners course . This have been almost perfect conditions ...
04.04.2016 / Kategorien: fuerteventura, surf camps, surf course, surf images

Sunwave Surfcamp Fuerteventura Images from 31st March 2016
This day was a great day for our surfers at the Sunwave Surfcamp in Fuerteventura . We were searching for the best spot so we decided to go to one of the eastern beaches . There we encountered nice ...
01.04.2016 / Kategorien: fuerteventura, surf camps, surf course, surf images

Sunwave Surfcamp Fuerteventura Images from 29th of March
Wow - with Sunwave Surfcamp you may discover the real beauty of Fuerteventura meanwhile you are having a fine time in the fresh air of a clean sea breeze. In the morning we went to the east to catch ...
30.03.2016 / Kategorien: fuerteventura, surf camps, surf course, surf images

Sunwave Surfcamp Fuerteventura Images from 25 March 2016
What can you do on a good friday beside drinking coffee? We've gone surfing - what else. There is nothing better that you can do when the sun is shining and the waves are shiny. So our surfers at ...
26.03.2016 / Kategorien: surf camps, surf course, surf images

Sunwave Surfcamp Images 23 March 2016
The Sunwave Surfcamp Images from this day have been shot at the north shore and may be found here . We found really good conditions despite the strong wind from the north. A good way to learn to surf ...
24.03.2016 / Kategorien: surf camps, surf course, surf images

Sunwave Surfcamp Images from 22 March 2016
Tuesday just is a good waves day - so we headed to the west and caught as much waves as the conditions could bring to the shore. And there were plenty of them to ride and to practice take-offs. So we ...
22.03.2016 / Kategorien: surf camps, surf course, surf images

Learn to surf in a larger group - share your fun
You're a group in size like a college or school class and want to learn surfing together? You want to enjoy the beach, the sun and the surfing in common to strenghten togetherness and team building. ...
19.03.2016 / Kategorien: surf camps, surf course